V I E W I N G   A C C E S S O R I E S

What you need to view images and movies

How to view images

Most WWW browsers support the display of GIF or JPEG images within the application (except, of course, text browsers such has Lynx). No external utility is required to appreciate the quality of those images.

To view Softimage PIC images, you need a Softimage product running on Windows NT or SGI.

How to view movies

Microsoft Windows AVI movies
You can use the Media Player to view any AVI movie file.

SGI Movies on IRIX version 5.3 and later
Use the movieplayer command included with the operating system.

Other UNIX systems running X11 compatible GUI: QuickTime
Use XAnim to display animations of various formats on systems running X11.

How to view VRML worlds

Microsoft Windows Internet Explorer VRML Add-In
User's of Internet Explorer 2.0 should get the VRML Add-In.

SGI UNIX systems
You can evaluate WebSpace from SGI.

Note: These links point to servers that are not under Microsoft's control. Please read our official statement regarding other servers.

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